Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Recent Changes We Go Through

My blogs are going to be way less frequent because I just don't have the time anymore for this :/ I will most likely just doing one per week or two. While I'm here, I want to get the most I can out of this experience, and if I I have to spend an hour or two blogging AND writing it in my journal, it will be taking its toll.

Yesterday was miraculous. Benji went up to speak for our morning lecture. He spoke about pride, how it affects our view of ourself, how it skews our view of God, and how it can ruin the way we think. He also shared a lot about himself, and pretty much gave his testimony. I gotta admit, I was sorta out of it this morning. It's about 8:30, I haven't had my coffee, and I was just having a hard time connecting with the Holy Spirit this morning. It was a little cloudy for me. After he was finished speaking, we prayed, and repented of our pride and the things that we need to get rid of that were holding us back from God. Almost every single person had confessed what they wanted to repent of, and near the end, one of my friends stood up.

In the middle of this conviction of the Holy Spirit, he stands and admits that he was using YWAM as a get-away. He confessed to have abused his two sisters before he came here, that he was struggling with the devil condemning him, and that was the main reason why he ended up in YWAM. He started to break down. Everyone got up to lay hands on him and pray. The prayer went on for about 10 minutes, when all of a sudden I felt a rush of the Holy Spirit. I started shaking, or shivering. I don't really know how to describe it. It was uncontrollable. All of a sudden, I just started speaking, and I had no idea what was coming out of my mouth until I had said it. I was proclaiming the Holy Spirit to take up his sanctuary in this place. I also said something like this: "Father, in the name of your Son, we commit this room to you, we commit our hearts to you. We know that the devil is trying his very hardest to stomp out the words that we are saying, but Lord we demand that you eliminate him from our presence and our thoughts. Do not let him invade our thoughts father!" In the middle of my prayer, I heard a girl speaking in tongues next to me. It was refreshing to hear. Also, after I had finished praying, my face felt really tingly, which was kinda weird. Instantly I felt the annointing of the Lord fall down on us like a blanket, and a lot of people were crying. It was intense!

Also, yesterday was the Montana night square dance fun night :) I will post pics of that.

Today, we got into small groups and got our small group leader. My group is Caleb, Levi, Matt, and I. Benji is my small group leader. We all took vans as a school and went to Glacier Park. There we hiked about 2.5 miles out to the lake, and sat down as a small group and shared testimonies. I already feel like they are my second home. BTW: That lake was Colddddddd 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In the Beginning...

So the school has started! Thank God for keeping me and my family safe while getting here! It is b-e-a-utiful in Montana right now. The skies are blue, it is hot, and I am happy. There are some really awesome people here too, the atmosphere and community of like-minded Christians that all have a hungry heart for the Lord is really encouraging and uplifting. Everyone here is so kind, and willing to give up their own comfort for others. I have already made a couple of close friends.

DAY 1: The DTS started with a meeting in the Lecture Hall with all of the schools: Discipleship Training School, School of Biblical Studies, School of Worship, and TITUS Project. We all gathered to mention who we were and where we were from, and then we began worship together. It was great!!! After, we were all dismissed and went to Lunch. It was after lunch that we had some free time, and I went down to the field to scrimmage the Montana flag football team. So because I wore court shoes to the scrimmage, I still went all-out and would make fast cuts, but because court shoes aren't exactly designed for slippery grass, I spent most of my time on the ground. After free time, the different schools separated and began their individual courses. Then, we commenced a 6 hour long testimony session from 5 to 11, where everyone in the DTS shared our testimony. That's about 54 testimonies :) But I loved it! Every single one was really entertaining and interesting to listen to. So we really hit it off the first night!

Day 2: The food was amazing!!! For dinner we had polish hot dogs with beef, and chips, and macaroni, and fruit! It was soooooo delectable! Anywho, besides the food we had a Bible meditation lecture, a lecture on worship, and two sessions of worship music. Let me just skip to the worship because it was SPECTACULAR!!! And yes... I purposefully put that in all caps because I am screaming how good it was. They really like Jesus Culture songs here, which is sweet, but that's besides the point. It was great. Afterwards, we all started a session of intercessory prayer in small groups. Becca, Skylar and I (Skylar is one of my close friends here) went outside where it was quiet, and just started praying for each other. Annnnnnnd I cried. There, I said it. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE! Seriously though, I knew that I was going to cry at some point at YWAM, but I never thought it would be the second day! Well, there's still 5 months to go minus two days, so I'm exited to see what amazing things are going to reveal themselves in the meantime. I can already say that going to YWAM is the best decision I've ever made in my life, besides accepting Christ into my heart :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to my BLARG! I mean... BLOB!

So this is my official blog! As you know, I will be going through a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) DTS (Discipleship Training School) course starting September 19th. I'm soooo excited to be doing this and appreciate all the support that I have received. I will be updating it weekly with things that are on my heart, logical questions, thoughts on life, soul-searching... the usual. This is the next step in my life, and I really feel that God will be able to utilize me in ways that will bring glory to His name. Feel free to drop on by and see how I'm doin :)