Friday, November 18, 2011


Wow! So much has happened between my last post and this one, and I will have to result to the highlights, but let me just say God is so real! He has been working in and through me, pruning my branches and taking away the things that were dead in me so that I can produce more fruit for Him. I am a piece of clay in the hands of a master sculpter!

I'm going to give you an overview of "Holy Spirit" week. The lectures were centered around spiritual giftings and the characteristics of Holy Spirit that we either didn't know, or can go to Him for help. I was super excited for this week because Holy Spirit is definitely the most unknown of the trinity, but He's right here in our hearts everyday ministering to our spirit.

Right off the bat Nick Gough (our speaker) started prophesying over all of the students in the classroom. He was speaking truth over many of my friends, and he was even being very specific in some cases. I had never seen this done before so I was feeling a mix of confusion and excitement. As he was prophesying over the students I had one thought in my mind: "maybe if I stare at him long enough, he will notice me, and then he will prophesy over meeeee!!!" However, once he looked at me and waited for God to download information to him, my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. I was ready for it, but just really anxious and even kind of intimidated that he is going to tell me about my life... it's kind of a weird idea when you think about it.

Here's what I wrote down right after he spoke... so you know it's accurate: I will be like a brother figure to the people around me. I connect with multiple groups. I have completely put my trust in God. On outreach I will be a peacemaker; a buffer. People can come to me and feel safe and secure; at peace. I will prophecy with authority.

Isn't that ahwesome!!! I felt strongly encouraged and uplifted after hearing that. Especially that I will prophesy with authority! The fact that what I experienced through prophecy will also be something I can give to another. Shazam! Everything he said is so true with my character. I love comforting others when they are going through conflict. I feel like it is my job as a brother in Christ to give hope to others when they are down and out. Fellowship through the body of Christ is an important thing to me.

This is interesting too... while Nick moved on to prophesy over others, I got a verse. John 4:44. Check this out, John is the fourth gospel. Look at that verse like this now: 4 4 :44. Boom! So I figured God was trying to say something to me through the number 4. I thought maybe it had something to do with the connotation of numbers in the Bible, how they have a deeper meaning when they are repeated. I researched the meaning behind the number 4 in the Bible for awhile and found out that it is the number of creation. Four seasons, four points on the compass, four times of the day. I just thought that was quite a quinkydink :) It's like God is creating prophecy in me so that I can take to every corner of the Earth and use it for His glory! Also, later after prophecy week (10/7/11), I gave a prophecy for my roommate. Right after that I flipped open my Bible to Mark 6:4, which goes even further into describing how a prophet is not welcome in his own hometown.

Sheesh! There's soooooo much I could tell you guys! These last couple of weeks were quite eventful. Day two of Nick Gough's week of lectures, we had an intense time of worship at night. People were screaming, praying in tongues, falling asleep in the Holy Spirit. I gotta admit, it was freaking me out. I was such a skeptic of this kind of stuff before I came to DTS, but that has completely changed. It all started with me getting a couple of prophecies from two completely different guys, but the message of the prophecies were similar in content. They both said that I was very gifted and there were many things that God could unlock in me if I only let him. Also, they both stated that I would step out of my comfort zone to trust God, and the gifts he's given to me. So I thought that was pretty cool, and I was just anxious to see how it would turn out. Later that evening, I went oer to give a prophecy I had gotten to a guy I barely even talk to. After that, a staff leader comes over and prays over us. He was just speaking truth into our outreach teams when I started nodding me head. At first I just thought of it as acknowledgement of what he was saying, but then my head kept nodding... and nodding. Even after he had finished praying for us, I felt like a bobble-head! For some reason though, I had such a peace about what was happening. Even crazier, my head bobbing had now increased to a full blown writhing on the floor without the utmost control of my body. I was just shaking back and forth, not really thinking of anything. Then God told me he was taking control of my body, and that I just needed to stay calm. All of a sudden, God said "be still," and it all stopped. I was literally frozen. I couldn't move, and didn't want to. This whole time I was still, God was just telling me that he loved me, but I am not giving Him all of the credit for the prophecies he had given to me. That really humbled me. I realized that I had just gotten into the fascination that I could speak truth to come over people, and not point it all back to God. After God let me out of my stillness I literally repeated the phrase "it's all you God" for about an hour and a half. Once again, I just lost control :) I felt so relieved though after that night. GOD IS REAL!!! He moves in ways that are a mystery, and I'm still confuzzled by some of the things he's done to me, but He does it so that we come to a conclusion that we really don't have anything figured out for ourselves. He holds the reins :)


  1. Dude that is so exciting what God is doing in you, Spencer!

  2. Amazing Spenc!!! :) Love reading these. Gods doing so much through you and in you! Love it. :)
