Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Father Heart Of God

Wow! So this week has been so busy, but incredibly awesome at the same time! Matt Atkins from Bellingham, Washington came to give lectures on the Father Heart of God. Wait... back up. Bellingham?!?! Yeah that's right :) He just happens to be about 30 minutes away from where I used to live. I guess it really is a small world, isin't it?

The first day was quite a trip. Matt felt like a lot of people were carrying the burden of being arrogant, or being called arrogant. He asked the people that felt that way to stand up. At first my reaction was, "I'm not arrogant! I am pretty humble. I don't show-off (too much), and I compliment people who I think do good." However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my defense carried a hint of arrogance in itself. I stood up, along with others, and felt really relieved once I was prayed over by a guy named Chase. Everyone who was standing up though was crying. It was quite the scene. Then progressively over the week, it turned into more of an actual lecture, where Matt gave us notes, and we jotted them down obediently. That was the program for the remainder of the week.

Sunday, I got to go to a church where the whole service was a webcast of the preacher. So he wasn't actually there, but we were watching a previously recorded session of his sermon. It was kind of weird, but he had a great message about the half tribe of Manassah, the Gadites and whatnot. I love it when Pastors deliver a sermon about the old testament and relate it to today. It gives it a whole new life.
      I got to experience drifting in a car for the first time Saturday... secondhand of course :) A couple of my buddies and me drove up to Blacktail mountain summit. On the way up, my friend thought he would utilize his emergency brake, stick-shift combo. So, although we almost hit a guardrail on the way down, it was super fun! When we were on the mountain, we found a logging trail while we were exploring around. Naturally, we followed it into the unknown for about 3 hours. Half the time we talked about who should walk point or at the end to be the sacrifice if a wild bear snuck up on us. Sometimes it's good just to get away from the vast majority of the people on base and just have some good male bonding hiking time. That was my adventure for the week :)

Random spurts: I just love how visible the stars are at night! There really is nothing like it! Soooooo many of them!!! I wish you could see it, and pictures just wouldn't do it justice. Man, God is good! Also, one person got sick at our base. Two days later, everyone was sick. I have now been informed via word of mouth that anyone who is sick is subject to quarantine until they are fully recovered. Sickness spreads like wildfire over here :P

P.S. My mailing address is:
501 Blacktail Road
Lakeside, MT 59922

I like letters :)

Love you all!

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