Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's new?

Sorry that I haven't updated my blog in awhile, been pretty shtinkin busy, but here goes:

Let me just start off by saying how relentless God's love is for me. He has just been pouring out His love on me these past few weeks. Actually, He has been showing it to me all of my life, but I just now realized the fullness of His passion for me! It has completely changed my life! I can easily say that if I even went home right now, I would be a changed man. I am slowly learning how to hear the voice of God in my daily life, and the importance of realizing that God is with me wherever I go. There is nothing better than acknowledging God's presence in my life, wherever I'm at, and just soaking in our companionship with each other. Gosh, I can't even put into words how much I love God! He is truly relentless for me. Almost every time I talk to Him, he says "I love you" right at the start, and it gets me every time! Even just simply opening my eyes to pray has brought revelation in my life. If I was talking straight to you I wouldn't close my eyes :) The only reason we close our eyes to talk to God is so that we can focus, but if you can keep focus when your eyes are open... why not talk to Him as if He's there? Then look around and see all the things He's created and be amazed while you're talking to Him. Ahhhhh this is sooooooo awesomeeeeee :)

This week Volleyball started and it is so much fun! We've had some pretty intense matches thus far. We play in the gym on a women's net, and we mean business. It seems that we play volleyball everyday for about one or two hours. Fun stuff!

Music track is underway, and I have written a song called 'Wake Me Up.' We also were split into bands to perform with. They gave us the task of learning two cover songs, and two worship songs. Also, we were required to write a song, all in the timeframe of one week... talk about pressure. It was so much fun though! I wrote my song in about two days, and in the meantime I practiced with my band. The songs we are covering: Getting Into You by Relient K, I'll Be by Edwin McCain, All Around Me by Flyleaf, and Everything by Lifehouse. I'm super stoked! A couple of days ago we performed our songs in front of everyone else, and then we voted shortly afterwards. It was actually very intense because we had to choose the songs we liked by their "rough draft," obviously we couldn't get a whole band set up in a week's time. Everything was acoustic, which was tough, because I wrote a song similar to the style of Saosin or Falling Up. All in all, my song was voted #2 of all the songs (I think there were about seven, and only four made it through). That was pretty exciting!


One day I was sitting on some chairs on the side of the Lecture Hall, and I asked God to open up my spiritual eyes to see what he wants me to see. Then all of a sudden I saw in my mind's eye a huge battle breakout between angels and demons. I didn't physically see it, but I knew it was happening. Immediately I started to doubt whether this was really happening or not though, so I thought about leaving, but then I realized I had left my water bottle in the music room, which was on the opposite side. So I start walking over to the music room slowly, and I hit this spot in the room where I feel really good instantly, and I got goosebumps all up my arms. I walk about 5 feet further and I seriously felt like I was going to puke. I felt terrible. This happened in pockets of the room all the way to the music room. That was weird. I retrieve my water bottle from the music room, and I realize that everything seems calm. Then I walk outside of the music room and I see all of these angels (must've been around 15) celebrating and pumping their swords up in the air. I have no doubt in my mind now whatsoever that there was indeed a spiritual war going on in that room at that moment. I am the witness :P But the main point is that the angels won. Boom!

A couple of days after this first miracle of seeing angels, I am walking through the dorms with my friend Hannah Travis. We walk past my room, and I notice the door open slightly. I assumed it was Daniel opening the door so I kind of laugh for a little bit, and then the door closes very smoothly. So we chill outside the door for a second or two, and then I open the door completely. My roommates are both standing by the farthest bed from the door. I asked them if they opened and closed the door. They reply by saying that they were both standing by the bed the whole time. Daniel even said he watched the door open and close. If that isn't weird enough, I have another witness... Hannah. She said se saw the same thing I did. Miracle!!! A draft of air cannot open AND close a door in one smooth motion. Plus, as I crawled into bed thinking about this, I notice that I keep staring at my roommates closet. I would be looking at my computer screen, and then I would notice a flicker out of the corner of my eye, and it was not Daniel sitting on his bed. It was an angel.

I hope you had as much fun as I did experiencing them! All you need to do is ask God to open up your spiritual eyes, and be aware of what is really around you and BAM! God will show you things you've never seen before. You have to have faith that He will show you though.

So we're heading out to Salem, Oregon Sunday. We will stay there for a week. I'm super stoked!!! We will be meeting with the Salem DTS there and will do some evangelism on the streets and whatnot. I will also be fasting from all electronics (except my iPod) so I implore you not to contact me. As soon as I get back, I will fill you all in on what amazing things happen there. I can feel it!

Please pray specifically for protection. There was a two night stint where I was attacked in my dreams (my roommate Levi also encountered the same) by demons. I would appreciate it tremendously if you would just pray for protection in my sleep, and throughout the day. There has been a strong opposing force at times during the night, and almost everyone got some of the same vibes until we started realizing it, and prayed for all of the dorms to be alleviated of any evil spirits. This is some serious stuff, and we need all of the prayer we can get! Let's win this war together! Hooah :)

501 Blacktail Road
Lakeside, Montana 59922

Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Wow Spencer that encounter with the angels totally surprised me! When me and Sarah were there I had something like that too! They are definitely everywhere:) I'm so happy u love it there so much! Ah! Can't wait to join ya! I'm still praying for ya bud! Miss u in the play this yr:) woulda been awesome
    to hav ya! Anyway I'll continue to pray for ur safety and for ur outreach!
    Love Tabby
